Unless you have a legit reason to bring a car with you to school, chances are good the only vehicle you need at college this year is a bicycle. Many campuses are all-inclusive or close to downtown, meaning everything you need access to is within walking—and riding—distance. After all, having a car means finding parking, paying for gas, and maybe even using it late night when it might not be the best idea.
Read MoreUnless you have a legit reason to bring a car with you to school, chances are good the only vehicle you need at college this year is a bicycle. Many campuses are all-inclusive or close to downtown, meaning everything you need access to is within walking—and riding—distance. After all, having a car means finding parking, paying for gas, and maybe even using it late night when it might not be the best idea.
Read MoreCycling is an efficient way to run local errands. A basic backpack, basket, or pannier (here’s a guide) makes carrying groceries or small purchase a breeze. But what about more heavyweight tasks? No problem! Many who truly rely on two wheels use a cargo bike or bakfiets (“box bike”) for massive carrying capacity that rivals a small automobile.
Read MoreCycling is an efficient way to run local errands. A basic backpack, basket, or pannier (here’s a guide) makes carrying groceries or small purchase a breeze. But what about more heavyweight tasks? No problem! Many who truly rely on two wheels use a cargo bike or bakfiets (“box bike”) for massive carrying capacity that rivals a small automobile.
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